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A fact that goes untouched in our thoughts…

Safwan Mohamed Alavi Erooth

We live in a single world but all live in their own world we say. No one have time here, all are always engaged in one or the other activities. If we go deeper in enquiring for what are these people engaged in different activities, one is the answer for all, “MONEY, yes! It’s for money they are striving hard. But why this much money? For what if 75 yrs is the average lifespan of man here. Why if it’s no use to him? This is a question which many ancient and contemporary thinkers have asked in a single voice. This question seems very much meaningful and of use to the mankind.

Why is he hungry for money even after he has got enough for him to live well here until death? The answer you get if you use your brain properly is that man has willingly forgotten the fact that he will have to die one day. He is not denying the fact because he can’t, seeing it in front of him daily. It’s right that you can see people denying existence of God but it’s very hard to find people denying death. They are not denying it but are willingly forgetting this. And this act of them makes them think that they will exist forever and in return make them hungry for money and comfort of this world which only for a very short term. But this has been proved foolish through out the history. Emperor Alexander conquered almost the whole world but atlas as everyone he died and was moved to a small piece of land. Surely all his conquest for which he lived meant nothing for after that then for what did he waste his time for? This question can be asked to the present mankind also who is competiting for money and possessions through out their life until death. Surely even if you conquer the sky and the earth or even if you conquered the mighty hills and mountains for you after death is a small piece of land in tiny corner of the earth. All your conquest will mean nothing to you but a waste of time.

Why don’t man think that all the people who lived here a 100 year before don’t exist here alive today in the same way we will also leave here in a 100 year. We cannot live forever. One day you will also die and will become history.

Other thing that man has mistaken is that he will all die after he become old. This is a very wrong way of seeing death. As we are seeing many dieing young. You might too die when you might have never thought you would die. You might die in a car accident or may be in a plane crash. There is chance for you to die if any of veins in your brain burst which is very common and need no particular reason. You may also die due to any natural disaster like earthquake or tsunami which comes without any warning. Millions are dieing due to all these as it comes without any warning. People who died in these where people who ate food and drank water like you. They were people who had their own engagements and plans for the coming days. They too had no thought of death until then as you. They too had read news about natural disasters around the world but never expected one there which took them. Now you too are reading news of disasters and are not expecting one here. But can it mean no disasters will come to you and you will only die old. It is just an optimist way of thinking that’s all. But the fact still remains untouched. It is you who is being deceived by your own optimistic thinking.

So death it will come when it comes and cannot be avoided when it comes. And thinking it will only come when you are old is utter foolishness. And mans hunger for money and wealth is a waste of time. And also remember that people or writings reminding of death are rare and this may be the last you read.

“Every soul will taste of death. And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly earned. Whoso is removed from the Fire and is made to enter paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion.”

(Qur’an 3:185)


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