-Safwan Mohamed Erooth-
1859, Darwin an amateur biologist laid the foundation for the revolutionary theory of evolution. This strange theory truly became revolutionary by challenging all the religious institution which then existed. Darwin’s theory became more thrilling than any science fiction that existed at that time by explaining to the world that they themselves, the frogs in their pond and the pet dogs they had were all born from a common ancestor or in another words it meant that they all were the grand children of the same parents. Though strange enough not to be true the theory was titled true and accepted by science then, as there was nothing to challenge the evidences set forward by Darwin. Can’t help without saying that Darwin was a man awfully lucky because the level of science during then was very feeble to prove him wrong. The regulation of genetics, microbiology and biochemistry was not there when Darwin came up with this strange hypothesis. It may be this absence, which limited Darwin from recognizing his theory wholly unscientific. If it were there, may be Darwin could have known that it was impossible for natural selection to produce new species by altering genes as the information determining species already existed in genes.
But the fortune didn’t go long; the discovery by Gregor Mendel in 1865 regarding the laws of inheritance though late led to the foundation of a new branch in science ‘the genetics’ (recognized only in 1900s). Before long the structures of genes and chromosomes were revealed. And in 1950s, DNA molecule which integrates genetic information was discovered thereby bringing great crisis to the theory of evolution. It was clear that the origin of immense amount of information in DNA could not possibly be explained by accidental happening.
In addition to these scientific progressions, the transitional forms which Darwin said would show the gradual evolution of living organism from the most primitive to the modern human being where seen nowhere even after years of exploration. The theory claimed that evolution took place gradually, over millions of years. If the claim is treated true, it’s pointing to the fact that gruesome living organisms called ‘transitional forms’ lived here. As the evolutionists is saying that the entire living organism present on the earth evolved from a common ancestor step by step, the number of so called transitional organisms is to be millions in number and variety. For example, the evolutionists are claiming that man and modern apes have common ancestor, then no doubt the number of transitional forms in between them will be more than their count and varieties. It would even be greater than the number of animal species living today and their fossils should have been unearthed abundantly.
But this is not the case, now where on land or in the depths of sea has any fossil yet been found. This is a shocking beat for the evolutionists. Darwin himself has admitted to this fact in his book ‘The Origin of Species’, writing:
“Why if species have descended from other species by fine gradation, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional form? Why is not all nature in confusion, instead of the species being, as we see them, well defined?... But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?... But in the intermediate region, having conditions of life, why do we not find closely-linking intermediate varieties? This difficulty for a long time quite confounded me.”
Darwin might have thought that it would be unearthed in future. One of the famous British paleontologists, Derek V. Ager in the book ”The Nature of the Fossil Records” said that the fossil were not showing gradual evolution but were genuinely showing sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another. So there does not remain any scientific base for this strange hypothesis.
All these were more than enough to prove the theory unscientific and an invention rather than a discovery, but nothing of that sought happened. Instead the world witnessed certain circles insisting on revising, renewing and elevating the theory to a scientific platform. These endeavors could only be clarified when we realize the interests and intentions of some ideologies rather than scientific concerns.
If you look through the pages of history irrespective of any prejudice and with your minds clear you would unquestionably find some circles, which were badly in need of this theory as it was the lifeblood of their ideologies. And if you were to prepare a catalog of these ideologies, nihilism and humanism will be those which your pen inscribes first.
It wouldn’t matter summing up all these under a common title ‘the materialist ideologies’ because they are almost same though one have a little consideration for values. It’s important that you know them at least the least. If you take nihilism, it simply alleged that ‘God is dead‘or in other words questioned the existence of a super natural power which people called GOD. It argued that religion was the origin of all the quandaries and said that only its decline would let the world to road of progression. And it didn’t hesitate to say that values where useless. It astonishingly believed that Hitler who killed millions of innocent people and mother Teresa who gave life for millions people where not different, they said both will die and there was no difference to be found other than that they both lived differently. It’s important to note that it’s nihilism that inspired Hitler; this is clearly reflected in his autobiography “My Struggle”. In the book he is echoing the same what nihilists argued that ‘the religion was the sole reason for all quandaries’. On the other hand humanism as mentioned is not poles apart it is giving room for values but have no appropriate explanation to establish the same. So it’s an unquestionable fact that these material ideologies have done much cruelty to this world and they are trying to survive by feeding Darwinism so that it may not die.
Theory of evolution, after this was revised and renewed several times. The world saw a long listing of revised theories which includes neo-Darwinism and synthetic theory. Neo-Darwinism was the first new model that introduced to the world. This theory proposed that species where evolved due to mutation, minor changes in genes, and the fittest ones survived through the mechanism so called natural selection. But it too didn’t last long it was proved that the proposal of neo-Darwinism was illogical and that minor changes were not sufficient for the formation of new living beings. Then they came with another theory ‘punctuated equilibrium’ which we can say might have narrowed the variation between a writer and scientist, because both were weaving great stories never told before. This theory didn’t rest on any rational or scientific ground. The model claimed that the living beings suddenly evolved into another species without any transitional form. That is species without any evolutionary “ancestors” suddenly appeared. This though the evolutionist won’t admit is really creation, and paving way for chance of a creator. They for a moment even explained that the first bird in the history could all of a sudden inexplicably have popped out of a reptile egg. Any one can make up theory if the rules of genetics, biophysics and biochemistry are not to be followed. To those who read this theory won’t be much distinct from R.L Stines novels, in one of his book he has wrote a story of a boy changing to wolf on full moon nights. May be days will come when children will be told science as their bedtime stories so that they sleep soundly.
The propose behind this theory, challenging all the fairy tales is clear, it is for explaining the gaps in fossil record that the former theories failed to explain. But it’s not rational to believe this strange explanation when the evolutionist themselves admit the need of a great and advantageous change in the genetic information for the evolution of a new species. The theory was honored despite the fact that it was the creation of mere imagination. If evolution is true why there is no half bird-half reptile or half fish-half reptile freaks yet found, even after thousands and thousand fossils have been unearthed. If show any organism of today the same in fossils dating millions of years the explanation would be that no evolution has took place in that particular organism. What is the meaning of all this? Why is this wrong theory again being taught in our schools? Why???
If this theory had scientific foundation, what was the need for evolution forgeries that we see marked in the pages of history. Some of the evolutionists in order find evidence tried to fabricate false fossils, but was caught red handed. The two most notorious attempts were the making of Piltdown man and the Nebraska Man.
Piltdown man was the creation of one of the well-known doctor and amateur paleoanthropologist Charles Dawson in 1912 at England. It was claimed that it was 500 thousand years old and was shown as the absolute evidence for human evolution. For 40 years many scientific articles came out on the issue. But this too didn’t last long scientists in 1949 while examining the fossil revealed the shocking truth of a deliberate forgery. The fossil actual was made up of human skull and the jaw bone of an orangutan.
Using the fluorine dating method, investigators discovered that the skull was only a few thousand years old. In 1953 Oakley, Weiner and Clark revealed the forgery to public. They found that the skull belonged to a 500-year-old man and the mandibular bone belonged to a recently deceased ape. There were more evidences.
This was the case of the Nebraska man also. Only a tooth was found and they claimed that it showed both the characteristic of man and ape. From this single tooth whole the body of Nebraska man was drawn. But this ended up on 1927, when rest of the part of the same fossil was uncovered. It was understood that this neither belonged to the man nor was it belonging to any ape. It was the remain of an extinct species of wild American pig called Prosthennops.
All this is speaking the truth there is no scientific base for this theory, if it was there, the need of a fabricated evidence for the theory won’t have raised.
This no doubt is pointing to the failure of those who consider human values. Here those winning are those who weigh Hitler and mother Teresa the same, those for whom values are worthless.
For those who keep their eyes open could easily realize that a intellectual struggle is going on, not now but since the dawn of history. On one side people are speaking of a God and the values set by him while on the other side is a satanic ideology that deny the very existence of God and his values, an ideology moving people away from God and his values to amorality and wickedness. The philosophical struggle is in-between the ones who value human values and the materialistic Darwinist mindset that forms the basis of all atheistic ideologies. Violence and struggle won’t serve as a solution here, because this can only be overthrown by showing to the world that it isn’t actually the truth.
To tell the world the Truth is not a easy task when all the major Medias are in the hands influenced or brainwashed or controlled by the materialistic ideologies and for us in the intellectual struggle is a real hard time. The greatest hinder leading to violence is that most of the people are misinformed that Darwinism is based on strong scientific foundation. This is mainly because the people who don’t know the real world has misread that the reason for Darwinism to survive about two centuries is due to its unshakable foundation. They had failed in seeing the past efforts and intense fraud of atheists in its survival.
This hypothesis has no support of science other than it’s refute. But the reason why this theory has been kept at the zenith by the materialist scientists of today, even when it is unscientific is because of ideological reasons. It’s for providing foundation for atheism and materialism.
Darwinism has given no virtue to humankind. It by growing the materialistic ideologies murdered the human values. It gave birth to people like Hitler who killed millions without sparing a bit of mercy. It taught the world that Hitler was no different from mother Teresa. It opened the door for all violence. It taught the world that there was no meaning in doing virtue because all will surely die, and virtue would finally be meaningless. It deceived the world by declaring that religions and values were the sole factors inhibiting development. If allowed to grow it would grow to the pinnacle of the heaven, but it would be for the making of new Hitlers and criminals. It would bury human values and peace. It would make the gas chambers common. It would create a world where man is no different from beast, but a decree more in brutality.
That chilling through our spines is the thirst of revolution against the brutality of the evolutionary theory which is not more than a myth. Our children, the generation of tomorrow all have to be rescued. Our schools syllabus has to be revised, or it too will spill the poison of Darwinism in the growing minds.
All those who value human values and those who are fed up all the violence of today’s world, Prepare! For the intellectual war, for you are the soldiers in this philosophical battle and its triumph means peace and it’s failure spells nothing more than total destruction!!!
1.Does God Exist? United Church of God-U.S.A
2.Truth of the life of this world - Harun Yahya
3.The “Clash of Civilizations is the Product of a Darwinist Mindset ” - Harun Yahya
4.The Origin of Species Charles Robert Darwin
5. The Nature of Fossil Record - Derek V. Ager
6. My Struggle Adolf Hitler
7. Biographies of World Famous Leaders Sura Books-Bangalore