A fact that goes untouched in our thoughts… Safwan M ohamed Alavi Erooth We live in a s ingle worl d but all live in their own world we say. No one have time here, all are always engaged in one or the other activities. If we go deeper in enquiring for what are these people engaged in different activities, one is the answer for all, “MONEY, yes! It’s for money they are striving hard. But why this much money? For what if 75 yrs is the average lifespan of man here. Why if it’s no use to him? This is a question which many ancient and contemporary thinkers have asked in a single voice. This question seems very much meaningful and of use to the mankind. Why is he hungry for money even after he has got enough for him to live well here until death? The answer you get if you use your brain properly is that man has willingly forgotten the fact that he will have to die one day. He is not denying the fact because he can’t, seeing it in front of him daily. It’s right that you...
a contrary vision