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Prarambha (The Beginning)

Prarambha (The Beginning), directed by renowned cinematographer and director Santosh Sivan, features the South Indian Superstar Prabhudeva as a truck driver who discovers a little boy in the back of his van. The boy is on a journey to find his mother, who left him upon discovering that she was HIV positive. Prarambha is one of four short dramatic films by cutting-edge Indian directors Mira Nair, Vishal Bhardwaj, Santosh Sivan and Farhan Akhtar that aim to dismantle myths and misconceptions about HIV/AIDS.


I think your article its very important and interesting,good work,Thank you for sharing such kind of information.Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!

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Criminals that we vote into power

  An analysis published by National Election Watch (NEW), a collective of more than 1,200 NGOs and citizen-led organisations, shows the rot going deeper than before. NEW's report says 153 out of 355 candidates analysed (i.e. about 43 per cent) have criminal cases pending against them, as declared by them under oath . 54% of congress candidates are having pending criminal cases. 45% of CPI[M] candidates are having pending criminal cases. 67% of CMP candidates are having pending criminal cases. 43% Muslim League candidates are having pending criminal cases. All major parties have given tickets to candidates accused of extortion, murder, and such other culpable offences. Here is a party-wise list of tainted candidates: Here is the complete analysis.