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The "what others think" syndrome

Routines took away the flavors of our life
and reasons took the possibilities.

People are bothered of what others think?
when they have enough to bother for themselves!

What others think may give some satisfactions
but its momentary! What we feel is more lasting!

My car is mine, it just has to fit my needs and LIKES.
But people often try to match things with others LIKINGS!
Just because of this "what others think" syndrome
they get into serious problems & huge debts
and never get to live a free and happy life.

It's not your possessions and monetary richness that
make others envy you more...
Show them the richness of your life and happiness,
you will find behind what, man really is!


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Criminals that we vote into power

  An analysis published by National Election Watch (NEW), a collective of more than 1,200 NGOs and citizen-led organisations, shows the rot going deeper than before. NEW's report says 153 out of 355 candidates analysed (i.e. about 43 per cent) have criminal cases pending against them, as declared by them under oath . 54% of congress candidates are having pending criminal cases. 45% of CPI[M] candidates are having pending criminal cases. 67% of CMP candidates are having pending criminal cases. 43% Muslim League candidates are having pending criminal cases. All major parties have given tickets to candidates accused of extortion, murder, and such other culpable offences. Here is a party-wise list of tainted candidates: Here is the complete analysis.