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A Father’s Dream, from his Eldest Son.

Ya it’s about me and my dad. But I think it’s similar for all of you who are the eldest to your dad and the earnest too…

My dad has been abroad in K.S.A for last few decades. Half of his youth and the lions-share of his whole life itself were there. Away from his native, in that desert with wild climate he worked and his only concern was his family. 6 Children and his beloved wife was his universe and their prosperity his primary concern. At first my dad lived with all of us there in the kingdom… and thank god was happy to be together. As usual time played the tricks and things changed. His children grew and had to leave for education. And so did the family left back to native. In the city build on desert with wild climate my dad lived no… strived! For his ‘six’ and the beloved wife! His children his greatest treasure is now learning at different grades; which he is seeing with great dreams, great expectation! And among them is I the humble.

Though second child from top I’m the eldest Son and so the Second in Command! And me a college student. Each time I face an exam dad calls me and inspires me, but I seemed to look as if I’m aspired for something else. Each results though were in average, where far below my dad’s dreams. I feel he was not wrong to dream as I never have strived for any exams I faced.

So now here I stay in middle of my so called life at the point where my dad actually took the responsibility of his whole family, mom, brothers and sisters! Now at this point, my dad’s dream echoes in my mind… it haunts me and forces me to accept with shame that I’m nowhere near my dad when he was at my age. Now at this point of time look at me still standing high forgetting that the sand below me is solid only because of my dad’s support. He still is there in that Kingdom so called as Saudi Arabia, no rest, no pause working for his Six and the beloved.

When is this Son of his going to take the responsibility and Say, “Dad now you rest and watch your children prosper and let me do the task of supporting.”

Now I shall remember in my each step, each breathe and sigh… that there in the Kingdom there is a noble man… my dad, striving for me and all! That it’s me and me alone who holds the key for him to come back to his native and live with his six and the beloved! And God Willing; I shall make that happen.


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