Alas I have colored it!

I have been for long trying to convert black and white photos to color. Its actually like giving life to history. I have alas made through. Look at the photos here, i took it into Photoshop cs3 and colored it.
Ya I know! You are interested learn and it's because of that I'm writing this here. Let me explain;
1. Open a black and white photo. (It's recomended that you use big portraits as its difficult work with small pics).
2. Add a blank layer and rename it to face.
3. Set its blending mode to multiply.
4. Select a natural color; I mean something that is similar to skin.
5. Select the brush tool and start painting the face and other skin parts.
(As the layers blending mode is set to multiply; the skins color only changes; the curves and shadows remain.)
Tip: Leave the Hair, Lips, eye etc... which will deal with later.
6. Now select the lips with water tool that may be comfortable for you.(Pen tool recommended.)
7. Copy the lips and paste it into a new layer named lips and select it. After that press Ctrl+U and mark colorise check box. Set the hue, lighten and saturation level to your satisfaction. Try to leave the lip little dark and we can adjust that by decreasing the opacity of the lips layer to our liking.
8. Now select the eyeball with any tool of your liking; copy; and paste to a new layer. Press Ctrl+U and colorise it to the desired level.Green will look cool.
9. Now select a light brown color (it's your choice to opt what you desire) and select the brush tool.
10.Create a new layer; set blending mode to multiply and brush the hair carefully.
Tip: The Hair layer should be above the face layer.
Now start cleaning off marks if you have made out of face or hair and do the final touching. If you want to color the clothes simply use the same colorising technique or brushing your way through. Hope this technique worked well for you too.
If you liked the tutorial or have any questions just leave a comment and i will be happy to reply.
If you liked the tutorial or have any questions just leave a comment and i will be happy to reply.
